BP signing off for now. The Bitterphotographer has to devote himself full-time to fighting the sexual harassment lawsuit brought on by a former employee (Jack S. Tud). Don't ask but the charges are all trumped up and the BP expects to clear his name soon.
A little brain candy:
When I Heard the Learned Astronomer
by Walt Whitman
When I heard the learn’d astronomer,
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me,
When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide,
and measure them,
When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with
much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,
Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
Goodbye to all you bitches and haters.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Personal Shooting
The Bitter Photographer has been going from campaign to campaign -from editorial shoot to editorial shoot and is spent. He really needs to get back to doing some personal shooting to recharge the old batteries. He really can't say how important it is for a big time shooter like him to keep it green. Keep it fresh! Its time to dust off the old Holga. Or maybe go out to Burning Man and just go crazy. And there is always India or Cuba or how about the good old Bonnevile Salt Flats! Yeah!
From A Photo Editor:
APE chiming in:
"I am a big fan of the BP and wanted to introduce myself to his readers. I have a MFA in the history of photography from NYU and have worked as a photography director at several high profile magazines. People ask me what it takes to be a great photo editor and I think it takes a keen eye, an understanding of the history of photography and broad working knowledge of a wide range of photographers working today. Some editors just phone it in and will only hire the "hot" or "established" shooters. I , on the other hand,take pride in the fact that I have the experience, eye and confidence to spot talent that hasn't been worn out like a pinata at a quinceanera. Here are a few diamonds in the rough I have just discovered. Some day they are going to be huge! I doubt you have heard of them: Richard Avedon, Annie Leibowitz and Irving Penn.Enjoy"
Wow thanks APE. The BP wonders who you are. You kind of sound like the Bitter Photographer's biggest editiorial client at Cat Fancy but can't be sure. Hmmmm.
"I am a big fan of the BP and wanted to introduce myself to his readers. I have a MFA in the history of photography from NYU and have worked as a photography director at several high profile magazines. People ask me what it takes to be a great photo editor and I think it takes a keen eye, an understanding of the history of photography and broad working knowledge of a wide range of photographers working today. Some editors just phone it in and will only hire the "hot" or "established" shooters. I , on the other hand,take pride in the fact that I have the experience, eye and confidence to spot talent that hasn't been worn out like a pinata at a quinceanera. Here are a few diamonds in the rough I have just discovered. Some day they are going to be huge! I doubt you have heard of them: Richard Avedon, Annie Leibowitz and Irving Penn.Enjoy"
Wow thanks APE. The BP wonders who you are. You kind of sound like the Bitter Photographer's biggest editiorial client at Cat Fancy but can't be sure. Hmmmm.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
New PDN Contest Anouncement: The Garbage Can Contest

As you can see from the post attached BP is in constant contact with the folks over at PDN. In fact the Bitter Photographer is happy to be the first one to make the following announcement:
In addition to the Photo Annual , PIX, Self-Promotion, World in Focus, Weddings, Student Contest: the editors at Photo District News are pleased to announce a new contest geared to toward any lost soul who through some clerical error has not gotten into one the of the dozen or so contests we offer. As long as we get your entry fee on time you are in. If you have the money you are a winner!
Finally a contest up the BP's alley! Cha!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Jan Steinhiber doing his part

Now that it is illegal to advertise tobacco in most of this country it is great to see guys like Jan Steinhiber doing what they can to promote this valuable product abroad. You can always count on the Germans to do the right thing.
BP especially likes the way Camel has historically targeted children in their Ads. Talk about cutting edge!
The Bitter Photographer has a soft spot in his heart for the Camel brand. He had his first cigarette when he was 8 sitting around the camp fire with his scout leader Mr Nelson smokin Camels and lookin' at dirty magazines. That was a special time.
And another shout out to JS's agent Bill Stockland for keeping the flame alive. BP hearts the tobacco industry and it is great to see he is not alone.
The Kid is Back!
After going to all the parties at Photo East BP fell into a post-expo depression. He has not been out of bed in two weeks and has been living on a diet of Chinese take out, Fanta and Ambein. It was not pretty. Fortunately BP came across Kwaku Alston's work which of course led him to Kwak's mentor, Jay Silverman and that really cheered him up and got him out of bed and back to blogging.
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