I rather like the Valley work of Larry Sultan (http://www.billcharles.com/sultan/sultan_12.htm) . He is able to combine two of my favorite things:photography and porn. If he could somehow include a big tub of fried chicken I would be in heaven. Jorg Colberg
I do not understand the phrasing, quoting, referencing, (or whatever you're doing) in this post. I know Mr. Colberg, and although I do find a reference to the Sultan work on his site, I find nothing that quotes him in this manner. The way you post his name at the end could make it appear that he wrote those words, and knowing him, I just can't imagine it. Please clarify the post.
I know. I know. I can't believe he posted either. I didn't know he even knew about BP.
What a shame that in such a short time, you've blown an interesting opportunity at a readable blog. The first few posts were interesting, and then immediately it spirals downward into childish, juvenile jibberish. The sarcasm was cute for a day or two, but now, with nothing of value to read here, you'll soon fade into obscurity.
I don't get the shot. Something's missing.
It's a self portrait right? A photographer showing his work to a potential client, but where's his folio and where's the client?
The assumed position is perfect though.
This is what the photo community needs.
Finally what some people think but are afraid to offend the Photo gods.
Keep it up
Juvenile are not
I like it
How much fun BP seems to have in entertaining him/herself with cuteness. How cute. How funny one thinks oneself is. How self-satisfying that must be.
How tiring. This could have been such a good thing. A great idea ruined by the aimless insincerity akin to the self-pleasuring of the host smiling at his/her cuteness with after-dribble in hand. Grow up.
The BP seems to assending, being compared to supposed soccer royalty? http://www.pelicula64.blogspot.com, and decending at the same time, re some of the comments. wow.
looks like the bitter photographer is the proverbial loose cannon, shooting everywhere and no one is really safe. thus i am not using my name, lest he get me next.
love it.
There's always one in every crowd -- that one guy in the group that's always the first to laugh at his own jokes. Then, everyone else in the group then laughs, but they're laughing AT him -- not with him. BP has quickly escalated to that one singular dumbass in the crowd; the the one that everyone just rolls their eyes at, when he speaks up. It's one thing when he tries to be cute; it's quite another thing when it turns mean.
we need a dose of bitterness to counterbalance the backpatting that goes on
i love the bp
ahaahahah! great!
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